I’ve waited so long to find the time to edit these! It’s what happens during wedding season.. you still itch to create your own personal work but actually processing and finding the time to edit and finish little projects on the side gets pushed to the bottom of the pile..

Anyway, when I was asked to shoot Shaunagh and Paolo’s wedding in Chiavari, Italy, I immediately looked into the possibility of making it into a trip to some of the amazing places in Italy that I hadn’t yet visited and wanted to tick off my bucket list. I flew into Pisa - only about an hour or so from their wedding - so spent a day there, travelled and explored Chiavari the day before the wedding, then travelled to Florence for a few days after the wedding.


Pisa was a lovely place to wander, smaller than I expected and also not as much to see and do as I’d hoped, but sitting alone with an Aperol eating some incredible food was enough to entertain me for the day I was there. I love the Italian culture of late night eating outside, sharing nibbles over drinks and cafes spilling out onto the streets.. I soaked up the atmosphere and it was the perfect way to spend a Summer’s evening.

Chiavari was beautiful, a real Italian town to wander with a huge Saturday market, amazing coffee and lunch places, bakeries and independent shops. The buildings were so tall that it created beautiful looming streets, all painted beautiful colours with archways with the shops nestled underneath.


Florence absolutely stole the show, though. Ridiculously beautiful - this city is the stuff of dream trips and felt like something out of Eat, Pray, Love.. I enjoyed every second wandering around the beautiful streets, trying to get lost and discover new corners, and I walked up to find the most beautiful vantage point over the city. I said to someone while I was there, Florence feels like Italian Paris. It’s romantic, you can have the most wonderful day just wandering, eating, stopping for a glass of wine, people watching.. If you can, go. It’s an incredible special place.

Anyway, enough romanticised rambling.. here are some personal photographs from my trip to Italy in August/September. I hope to be back there very soon….