Antalya, Turkey | Personal Creative Travel Photography


We took a trip to Turkey in October half term - a rushed trip due to an airline going bankrupt and trying to book something (anything!) with 24 hours to go.. but, hey! It worked out OK - it was hot, there was plenty for the girls to do and we had a few days exploring too. Granted, it wasn’t the most beautiful area we’d ever visited but it was so good to have a break the four of us.


I took only my ‘small’ camera - an Olympus Pen - for ease for this trip; when I lug around so much heavy kit throughout the year, it feels really good to scale back and pack light and take only the basics when it comes to personal photography. I mainly took photos of the girls, but also took it out and grabbed a few of the area on days we ventured a little further too. So here are a handful of favourites!

You can read a little bit more about our trip over on my personal blog here.